Sunday, January 22, 2017

Must Take Wedding Photos: 10 Ideas for the Big Day

For wedding photographs, posing is more an art than science. It involves more judgement and interpretation. Unarguably, awkward poses can make the most attractive couple look weird. You wouldn’t want anything close to that to happen to you on your big day. On the other hand, the right poses are incredible in concealing flaws and possible blemishes. You wouldn’t want to look awkward and distant in your wedding photos simply because you didn’t take closer considerations of the poses. To bring the most out of your big day, it fair enough considering ideal poses. Let’s have an insight at some of them.
Wedding Photography
Wedding Photography

·         Stacked: This common wedding pose involves the couple gazing off into the distance. It provides a unique view when blended with a grand, scenic landscape. It is also a splendid show of romance.
·         The V UP: It stands out as the most classic and yet basic wedding pose. With the couple staring at each other at the face, they can have their hands dangling at the side of the bride or the groom.
·         Opened Up: The couple can simply open up their feet towards the camera with their eyes fixed on the camera. For a glamorous look, the couple should hold hands with an open space between them.
·         The Swing: We can bet that you have this one already stacked in your wish list. This pose captures the groom holding the bride in his arms and swinging her around. When taken appropriately, it adds action to the photo scene.
·         The Carry: Similar to the swing, the carry adds instantaneous action and motion to the scene. It simply involves the groom carrying the bride in his arms and is more traditional as compared to the ‘swing’ pose. The carry can even involve the groom seated with the bride resting in his laps.
·         The Staggered Couple: In today’s wedding photography world, this kind of pose seems to be overused. Do you want to add variations to your wedding photographs? This serves as a bright idea of doing so. For better outcomes, the photos should just focus on one of the two.
·         Meet in the Middle: The pose is olden but still maiden. With the couple’s sticking out their rear heads to have a kiss at the centre, it is sometimes referred to as the penguin kiss. It is the ideal pose for symmetrical scenes.
·         The Dip: Bearing closer resemblance to the ‘swing’ and the ‘carry’, this pose involves more dynamism and motion. The couple needs to stay in balance during the photo session.
·         The Walk: We can bet on it to be the most common pose. With the bride’s hand locked in the groom’s arm, most wedding photographers like taking this pose because of the motion it adds to the scene.
·         Closed Up: We can rank it among the most common photo poses. With the couple facing each other, the photographer can capture several intimate moments.

Photo poses can make or break your wedding. With a blend of these dynamic and static poses, one is bound to make their wedding a memorable venture!

Wedding Photography
Wedding Photography

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mastering Commercial Photography on a Shoestring Budget

A picture is worth a thousand words but in the corporate world, it might as well be worth a thousand dollars in revenue! Look out for the most successful online sale shops worldwide, and you will realise one inevitable trend; they invest in spectacular, quality images. Commercial photography is more than what people see on the surface. Would you like to turn normal browsers into buyers? Well, you can achieve that in a painless way; take the best shots. Unlike what many people think, however, taking quality commercial photographs must not cost you an arm and a tooth. You can have high-quality product photographs on your priority list but still go slow on your budget. How exactly can one achieve this? Let’s consider a couple of DIY tips.
Commercial Photography
Commercial Photography

Perfect the Lighting
What kind of background and lighting would you need for your product? You need to figure out this before embarking on photo shooting. Ordinarily, it will be different setting up lights for a wine bottle and a phone. For a simple and cost effective approach, you can choose a seamless white background with a white poster board. You can tape this to the bottom of a clear plastic bag, which has been flipped on its side. For the lighting side, you will need at least two lights. They don’t have to cost you more than $10. Attach them to the upper side of the plastic container. You will also need a pair of cool colored bulbs. You can further enhance the lighting by having Plexiglas placed under the product to provide subtle reflection.

Keep the Set-Up Simple and Perfect
If you are to pull out anything spectacular, then much time should be invested in the setup. One aspect you would probably want to consider when setting up the shooting scene is the size of the product. For instance, photographing jewelry will need a smaller set up with a sense of floating technique, especially for the earrings. For such smaller products, it will be necessary making marks on the exact positions you would love the products to be. This way, it will be easier for you moving the products one after the other for shooting. In the case of larger products, say couches or refrigerators for instance, you will need an entire room for your staging environment.

Spend Time Editing
After the shooting expedition comes the critical part, editing. Embracing this time gives you an opportunity of enhancing the look of your photos and doing a necessary clean up. The right editing software can make you conceal some flaws you might have made during shooting. You can take advantage of a variety of editing software like Adobe Lightroom. Alternatively, you can opt for free applications like Picasa.

With everything said, you probably want to remember one last important aspect; take your time. Besides money and other resources, you will need to invest your time in coming up with the best commercial photographs. Be patient and ready to make necessary changes whenever necessity commands so. Nature will reward your hard work.